Active and open programmes
Pre-Incubation Programme - an opportunity for Latvian companies established within the last 3 years to develop innovative or export-oriented products;
Innovation voucher support: an opportunity for Latvian entrepreneurs to develop new products and technologies in cooperation with research organisations (open);
Start-up support: an opportunity for Latvian start-ups to develop and commercialise innovative ideas, products, or processes.
LIAA regularly offers plenty of free lectures, online and face-to-face seminars that can be useful for business start-ups. Planned events can be found under EVENTS, and recordings of many past events can be found under MATERIALS.
Upcoming opportunities
28.10.2024 Applications open for the free Mini MBA in Innovation Management
Programmes currently implementing projects that will be reopened later
Business incubation: support for entrepreneurs who are innovative, technological, creative, export-orientated, and have already developed a prototype of a product or service (admission takes place twice a year – in spring and autumn);
Ideas Cup: competition and training for Latvian budding entrepreneurs (announced once a year).
20 representative offices across Latvia provide advice on LIAA programmes;
LIAA export and investment offices in almost 19 countries around the world provide advice on how to export to the most promising export markets;
3 LIAA representative offices advise on innovation and technology topics in Brussels, Switzerland and Israel;
LIAA customer service:
To keep up to date with the latest LIAA offers, please subscribe to the newsletter (in Latvian).