For idea

Active and open programmes

  • Business incubation: support for entrepreneurs who are innovative, technological, creative, export-orientated, and have already developed a prototype of a product or service (admission takes place twice a year – in spring and autumn);

  • Innovation voucher support: an opportunity for Latvian entrepreneurs to develop new products and technologies in cooperation with research organisations (open);

  • LIAA regularly offers plenty of free lectures, online and face-to-face seminars that can be useful for business start-ups. Planned events can be found under EVENTS, and recordings of many past events can be found under MATERIALS.

Upcoming opportunities

LIAA is currently developing the Pre-Incubation Programme and the Ideas Cup initiative. Keep up to date by signing up for the newsletter;

Start-up support: an opportunity for Latvian start-ups to develop and commercialise innovative ideas, products, or processes (the submission process is temporarily closed).


  • 20 representative offices across Latvia provide advice on LIAA programmes;

  • LIAA export and investment offices in almost 19 countries around the world provide advice on how to export to the most promising export markets;

  • 3 LIAA representative offices advise on innovation and technology topics in Brussels, Switzerland and Israel;

  • LIAA customer service:

To keep up to date with the latest LIAA offers, please subscribe to the newsletter (in Latvian).

  • 3,5 milj. EUR
    Inkubācijas dalībnieki 2022. gadā saņēmuši finansiālu atbalstu 3,5 milj. euro apmērā.
  • 42,3 milj.
    Inkubatoru dalībnieki investīcijās piesaistīja 42,3 milj. EUR
  • 502
    uzņēmējdarbību veicinoši pasākumi 2022. gadā

Current events