Estonia is the most technologically advanced post-Soviet market and a member of the EU since 2004. The economy is diversified with services, industry and agriculture sectors. One of the driving forces of the market is the rapid development of the IT industry. Estonia plays a vital role in Latvia's economy, as it accounts for around 11,7% of the total export volume and is among the TOP 10 export countries in Latvia in 2020.
Iepazīsties ar Igaunijas tirgus analīzi vietnē
The Economist Intelligence Unit | EstoniaIepazīsties ar CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) piedāvāto valsts vispārīgo pārskatu
The World Factbook | EstoniaEiropas Komisija publicējusi jauno Access2Markets platformu, kurā tagad daudz ērtākā un pārskatāmākā veidā iespējams atrast informāciju par ES tirdzniecības līgumiem, tarifiem, produktu iepakojuma prasībām un citiem importa noteikumiem.